Ozone Therapy
Ozone molecule has three oxygen atoms. It is a highly energetic form of normal (diatomic) oxygen molecule. Ozone is a very active and reactive form of oxygen which quickly combines with blood, lymph and other tissues of body and purifies them. Oxygen is an important factor to sustain life. Lack of adequate oxygen is known to promote cancer and many other medical diseases.
OZONE THERAPY was discovered in Germany well over one hundred years ago but did not come in common use till recently. It is now becoming more popular in various parts of the world.Ozone has the feel of being cleansing… and indeed, that is precisely what it does. It cleanses the atmosphere when nature produces it. And when we are exposed to it, it similarly cleanses our bodies
Ozone Applications:
(a) Ozone Bagging
Ozone Bagging is a Medical treatment where the affected area is moisturised and bagged with Ozone Gas for 40 minutes. It has proven excellent results inhealing of numbness and retarded blood circulation, Cellulites and other infections, Ulcers and Ganagarene. The patient is relieved of pain and edema by taking a course of this therapy. The science behind this is that Ozone gas is easily dissolved in water and gets absorbed into the affected area converting to oxygen free radicals which in turn fastens the healing process, removes infections and improves the blood circulation.
(b) Ozone bath
Ozone bath involves the application of Ozone on the whole body. We introduce medical-grade ozone into the body through a steam sauna. The steam opens up the pores of the skin, and the ozone is absorbed into the pores, effecting distribution through the bloodstream, and then throughout the rest of the body. You stay in the steam cabinet for up to 30 minutes.
The benefits of Ozone Bath are as follows:
• Promotes metabolism
• Reduce chances of development and spreading of cancer
• Stimulates the immune system&purifies the blood and lymph system
• Prevents/reverses degenerative diseases
• Speeds up the metabolic processes resulting in a loss of 200-450 calories in a 30 minute session
• Boosts blood circulation, helping injured muscles to repair quicker. Stimulates the blood vessels
relieving pain and speeding up the healing process
• Eliminates bacterial and viral infections of all kinds
• Better absorption of minerals, Relaxes and loosens muscles by reducing the build up of lactic acid and increasing muscle flexibility
• Oxidises toxins so they can be eliminated through the skin, lungs, kidney and colon
(c) Ozone Enema (Colon Insufflation)
During rectal insufflations a mix of ozone/oxygen is introduced through a catheter into the colon. It’s a type of an oxygen gas enema. The ozone helps remove inflammation, and kills pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites and yeast. It can help restore healthy gut flora.. It is safe to apply.The application is done in total privacy at our facility, in the most easily tolerated conditions. The procedure lasts approximately 15-20 minutes and is performed in the most comfortable and secure manner. Pre-dosed, single-use ozone that is suitable for both children and adults is used. Rectal ozone therapy can definitely be included as part of the treatment for rectal fissures, fistulas and hemorrhoids, prostate and gynecological illnesses, and metastasis and similar malignancies. By increasing the oxygen level in blood, it oxygenates the tissues in the whole body. Not only does it positively affect the appearance of our skin, but it also helps our body’s healing process. It supports blood and liver detoxification, is anti-aging and boosts the immune system.