Nutritional Supplements
Our Holistic Centre offers Nutritional Health and Dietary Supplements which is a prophylactic treatment which would ensure you to stay healthy and also control the progress of many of the diseases for which one is on medication. Scientific evidence shows that some dietary supplements are beneficial for overall health and for managing some health conditions. Patients consult our Senior Allopathic and Ayurvedic doctors and apt supplements are prescribed according to their treatment requirement.
Few of our Supplements are as follows:
1. MedariKalpam
This indigenous product is distilled and filtered from early morning Cows urine of our Desi Cows which are bred on natural farm feed and is exposed to ample sunlight making our product 100% resultful. It has proven excellent results weight reduction, Diabetes, Vericoseviens, Liver & Kidney disorders and rheumatic Arthritis.
2. Aloe-vera Juice
The concentrate Aloevera extract helps in blood purification, reduction of all types of swelling, wound healing and liver disorders.
3. JamunJuice-
It is prescribed as an apt medicine for diabetic patients who develop Coronary diseases. It also maintains the Body Mass ratio.
4. Coenzyme Q10 Capsule
It strengthens the heart muscles and helps in the recovery of those who had an angina or cardio- myopathy. It helps to improve the heart pumping rate.
5. Grape Seed Extract Capsule
It is ansuper anti-oxidant and guards the heart from failure. It eradicates the free radicals thereby rejuvenating the whole body. It is highly recommended for middle age ladies who faces hot flush.
6. Flax Seed Capsule
It contains Omega 3 and treats hormone imbalance during menopause. Usage ensures that good cholesterol (HDL) is elevated.The quotes of Mahatma Gandhi was Wherever flax seed becomes a regular food itemamong the people, there will be better health
7. Vitamin C Powder
It helps to improve the immunity and vitality. It also helps to increase Hb. The indications for this medicine are Tiredness. It is also recommended for cancer cure.
8. Wheat grass Powder
It helps in better digestion, increasing the Hb level and as a natural purgative medicine.
9. Aswagantham
It is a natural antioxidant which helps in cell regeneration, immunity booster, stress regulator, nervous stimulation and Body building. Regular use of this medicine would cure breathing difficulties and cough.
10. Gulichisatwa
It is a natural anti-biotic which helps to cure all sorts infection. It is Antipyretic and wound healing.
11. Triphalachoornam
It is helps in internal rejuvenation. It is a combination of best three ayurvedic medicines. It helps in the eye sight enhancement, and good digestion
12. Goshuramodakam
It is the combination of 10 herbs that improve the over all kidney function. It has proven results in lowering the blood Urea and Creatine levels to absolute normal to avoid Dialysis and Kidney transplant.